新媒体是否会代替传统媒体 辩论

你同意今天的新媒体最终也将成为传统媒体的观点吗,为什么 今天的新媒体有可能最终成为传统媒体,因为新媒体的兴起和传播方式的变化是随着技术和社会的变化而不断变化的随着时间的推移,新的技术和传播方式的出现,新媒体也可能被新的形式所取代

英语辩论赛:新媒体会取代传统媒体吗?我是正方(新媒体会取代传统媒体),求辩词The experts warn we're at the dawn of a post-antibiotic era. Immediate global action is needed, they say, if dire consequences are to be avoided within just a few years. This would involve cutting down on the unnecessary prescription of antibiotics and providing incentives to pharmaceutical companies to develop new drugs. Research would be needed into how antibiotics in farming affect the growth of drug-resistant strains of bacteria. The experts warn that without effective antibiotics, treatments ranging from minor surgery to current cancer chemotherapy regimes could become impossible
